「よぉボウズ...知ってるか? 怪盗はあざやかに獲物を盗み出す創造的な芸術家だが、探偵はその跡を見て難癖つけるただの批評家に過ぎねーんだぜ?」
"Hey, little kid, you know ...? A Phantom Thief is a creative artist who openly steals his prey, but a detective is just a critic who looks at his tracks and complains."
※Phantom thief 怪盗、 prey 獲物、track 跡
名探偵コナン76話 コナンVS怪盗キッドより

"Yes, I am not a detective but a thief. Thieves steal. Even if it's a person's mind."
※detective 探偵

"There might be someone there, ... the last person I want to let die in this world, .."
※the last person I want to let die 一番死なせたくない奴
the last person 〜 は英語で良く使われる表現です。
"A trick is a puzzle that humans came up with. If a man wrings his head, a logical answer can be derived at some point, but, miserably, the reason why a man killed a man cannot be explained in any logical way. I understand, but I can't get it. Totally ..."
※come up with 考え出す、思いつく、wrings someone's head 頭をひねる、derive 導き出す、由来する、 miserably 情けない、can't get it 納得出来ない
「逃げるなよ灰原... 自分の運命から逃げるんじゃねーぞ...」
"Don't run away, Haibara. ... Don't run away from your destiny. ..."
※run away 逃げる